Boogada wrote:

I'm not sure if this bug is related to the changes in this thread, but as I've only seen it after these were implemented, I'm guessing so.

On the Inventory screen, if I filter by "Edition Printed In" -> "Is one of", it gives me too many results. I get ALL the editions I own of the cards that are from the selected set.

For example, selecting Ravnica Remastered I see thirteen different printings of Act of Treason, instead of just the one I have from Ravnica Remastered.

Thanks for all the hard work on the site!

From what I see, that's not a bug. There's two edition searches. There's "Edition Printed In", which will find you a card in your collection if it was printed in that edition, and there's "Edition Owned", which will find only a card you own in that edition. I play casually, so I hadn't bought a Kamigawa Farewell. I DID buy the Dr. Who decks. If I search White Sorcery with Edition Owned as Kamigawa, Farewell won't show. If I search White Sorcery with Edition Printed In, it'll show my Whovian Farewell.

Edition Printed In is basically an extension of the Format search, but for set specific. Are you going to an Alara block tournament and need to know what you can bring? Good news if you have a Magic Origins or Dragons of Tarkir version of Dragon Fodder

Fueled wrote:
sebi wrote:

Reverted the In Built Decks change to a single page. It's back to being a (wider) dialog, and a section on the card page (but on the wide right side in place of the market sellers, instead of under the card image.

The "Add to inventory/Wishlist" options in the deck rows context menu now properly use the defaults for that set, if any.

Thanks for bringing back the feature!
A question though: where are the market sellers for a given card? That list was also useful when browsing cards, to compare prices (and as seller, seeing where my price was positioned against other sellers).

I assume since the marketplace was sunsetted, the need to keep that section is minimal.

@Sebi: I was matching my decks to inventory and came across a potential upgrade. The inventory could show how many of a particular edition is used. For example, Bloodfell Cave (the first land I happened to be working) I have 10 copies of. There are 50 decks I could put it in. Right now I've used all 10, but if I got any more, it'd be really useful to see which ones aren't showing as matched. In the attached image, I would replace the 14s with 9, 1, 2, 2, 1 (I use the Khans version in all of my EDH decks, which are my only decks allowed to share). Then if I got another MOM version, it would show 2 owned, 1 in decks, because I hadn't matched a second MOM version to any deck. This would greatly help in deck building, as right now if I had one unused I have no idea which version it is and where to look in my collection.

Love it. Love everything about it.

Now I just have to go through my collection and assign the correct editions (a welcome project).

Thanks so much for the placeholders!

Sleet wrote:

Awesome, thanks for the update! And I'm glad to see that much money raised! big_smile

Are the double-face placeholders among those missing cards? I've got a big ol' stack of Crimson Vow and Neon Dynasty placeholder cards set aside.

I would like to second this exact sentiment.