(10 replies, posted in General Discussion)


I just noticed you updated it. I can now use "http://deckbox.org/mtg/Ponder/tooltip.jpg" and it works awesomely!
Thanks a lot for that!

Edit: It doesn't work anymore now sad
Edit2: It does work for some cards, just not all... Yesterday it worked for Ponder, now it doesn't. Though it does work for "Teroh's Faithful". (Those are the only two I tried.)


(10 replies, posted in General Discussion)


I've been doing some more investigating (and someone on Stackoverflow helped me), and in my program the problem isn't that the mime type is wrong (though it still is) it's that the url for the image doesn't end on an image extension (jpg, png, ...)
Still, a proper API would be super awesome big_smile Any nearer to getting this? tongue



(0 replies, posted in General Discussion)


I'm the creator of MTG Tools, a little app for iOS (currently no android yet, though I'm thinking about it.) It's supposed to be a help while playing, not an app to replace physical cards.  I use it myself while playing cards, and for me it works great. Though I'm trying to promote it a little, and hoping for some feedback to make it better for everyone.
So, you can find it here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/magic-t … 1&mt=8 I would love some feedback. It costs 1$, this is mainly to repay that stupid developer cost Apple made me pay, and of course it's just worth it.

Hope you like it, and any feedback is welcome!


(10 replies, posted in General Discussion)

sebi wrote:

Yep, looks like the mime type is wrongly set on them. Should be fixed soon! Thanks for reporting.

No problem! Though I just tried again, and it's still text. Maybe you forgot about it? If not, it's not really a problem, though just though to remind you ^^



(10 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I have one more question. I can get the images perfectly, and they show correctly too. Though I get a warning "Resource interpreted as Image but transferred with MIME type text/html".
As far as I could figure out, it's because the image isn't saved as an image, but as text (when you go to the image's url you also get text, and not an image). Though is there a way to tell the browser it's all OK, and he shouldn't be worried? tongue
Also, why is it saved as text? Is this by design, and if so, why?

Thanks big_smile


(10 replies, posted in General Discussion)

sebi wrote:

Sorry, I misread your post regarding the images. smile

The only thing you can easily fetch right now is a card's image, by using a url like this:


(Where you replace Ponder by any mtg card name).

That works great thanks! Was using a similar way but for the gatherer stuff. Now I just have to find the manacost & power somewhere tongue
Thanks big_smile


(10 replies, posted in General Discussion)

sebi wrote:

Hi Pablo,

We don't have an API yet but we'd like to make one in the future.

As for card images, you can already get them: http://deckbox.org/help/tooltips


Though is there any way to get the image, description, manacost, ... of a card from javascript by it's name?


(10 replies, posted in General Discussion)


I was thinking of trying to make something similar to Cockatrice and Magic Workstation but that's fully web-based. The idea is that you can play is in your browser and by that also on iPad and other tablets, anything with a browser really. This is just an idea, and might never be realised, but I do it for fun and if it works out it might become something cool.
Now, I love DeckBox and it would be cool that people can just make their decks here, and then use them in my app. So my question is, are there any api's from deckbox for this kind of thing? Also for getting the card pictures by their name and stuff?
I couldn't find anything, so I thought to ask to be sure. It's going to be fully html/javascript.

Also, if there isn't something like this from Deckbox, I'll be sad, but it won't stop me. So if you know anything else, that would also be welcome! (I'll be looking for something too while you read this, though any suggestion is welcome.)

Thanks a lot!


(9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

sebi wrote:


Nice, I'm proud of you big_smile


(9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Hehe, I understand tongue
There aren't that many restricted cards, so checking for them isn't that much work, still would be useful big_smile
Uhm, what I actually wanted to say was that you shouldn't rush it tongue Just take your time big_smile

And one question, did you make all this by yourself ? yikes


(9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Hi there,
I might have another request. And I post it here, since it's again about the legality check.
It would be very useful to have a column in the deck editor that tells me in what the card in legal. Then when I'm rebuilding a deck to be legal in (for example) extended, I can easely see which cards have to be replaced. This isn't that important when I'm just playing with friend, but when I play online most servers allow only one type.

Oh, and what I also noticed, in my poison deck used to be 3 Ponder cards but there are restricted, so only 1 was legal in vintage, but still the legality checker said it was legal in vintage.

Thanks !


(9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Oh, I didn't see it under the title yikes
Thanks for the fast reply, and now I'll never have to reboot to windows big_smile Woohoo big_smile
Thanks !


(21 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'm Pablo,
And I really like cookies big_smile
I'm from Belgium, and I play MTG with my cousin and a friend.
Now I feel like I'm doing and oral test in elementary school.
I started playing like a year ago with my cousin 'cause that friend recommended it. I now am the best of us three ! Mostly playing my fungus deck. It's way too slow, but so are the deck of my two rivals so it doesn't really matter big_smile
Well, that's all I can say on a MTG TCG forum I think tongue

Greets !


(9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

A feature I would really like is an legality checker. It would save me a lot of time (well actually it won't since I'm too lazy to check the deck legality if it isn't automatic, or perhaps it will, since when I want to check it now, I have to reboot to windows (I have a MacBook Pro) and enter it in MWS to check the legality).

I think this isn't a feature many traders will need, but it could be useful for those who also play with their cards. Also, I'm mostly in for the playing with the card, so this feature would make me very happy big_smile

Perhaps something to add to the statistics.

Sorry if it looks kinda greedy, asking for features when I only just joined for like an hour, but this site look so promissing and what it already does, it does perfect !

Thanks !