Nice to test the new version smile
I'm especially psyched about the new importfeature, so i tested it first, but run into some trouble:

Got a test.csv with the following content:

Count, Tradelist Count, Name, Foil, Textless, Promo, Signed, Edition, Condition, Language
1, 0, Telepathy,,,,,Eighth Edition,Near Mint,English

Checking the file gives me the following error:

Error: The header of the csv file is not correct. Please check that the columns in your file match the following: ["Count", "Tradelist Count", "Name", "Foil", "Textless", "Promo", "Signed", "Edition", "Condition", "Language"]

So i tried importing an export i just made from my data, which gave me the same error.
Also i noticed, the file to import is named as c:\fakeroot\test.csv. I'm running a Linux with Chromium (And just checked with firefox, same problem) Anyone else run into this trouble or has any clues how to solve this?

Sure, just after i hit sent i try another thing and it works tongue
So, as it seems the header has to be without spaces for the import to work (Which is not the case in the export-file also). Maybee insert a `trim` call after splitting the csv-header?

...and there i was and thought i checked thoroughly roll

Thanks alot for the info and i'm looking forward to the release then smile

hi together,
i searched a bit but didnt find anything, so here's my question: Is it possible to specify edition, quality and so forth in the multiple-add-input? I want to add my collection, but adding each card via advanced-add and setting the infos takes kinda long ^^
for example each line like:
name, quantity, edition, quality, language -> goblin king, 2, 9, good, english

If thats not possible, would it be hard to implement? As it seems, the advanced-add uses internal values for calling the add-page. Maybe publish those to make parsing easier?
