Looking for:
Prophet of Kruphix (Clash Pack) x3
Temple of Mytery (Clash pack) x3
Yisan, the bard x3


I value them at about 50 cents a piece. If you have a large supply of them I will also buy them

As per above. Looking for want list stuff for Forge Master MUD.

EBay link with scans of the card
http://www.ebay.ca/itm/181480319349?ssP … 1555.l2649

2x Karn Liberated (1 french 1 english) 30$ each.
1x Grove of the burn willow 20$
1x Emrakul 20$
1x Ulamog 20$

4x Hellriders 10 each or all 4 for 35
Will take paypal, email money transfer or modo tickets, all payment before before shipping

2x Karn Liberated (1 french 1 english) 30$ each.
1x Grove of the burn willow 20$
1x Emrakul 20$
1x Ulamog 20$

4x Hellriders 10 each or all 4 for 35

Will take paypal, email money transfer or modo tickets, all payment before before shipping


(0 replies, posted in Canadian Traders)

I have 2 NM Karn Liberated, 1 english, 1 french, 35$ each or both for 65
paypal or interact email transfer.

If you wana make a reasonable offer. I'm going to switch to MODO so i can play more on my family's schedual Only considering selling a whole collection or individual decks in it. not singles

Cards i need asap
1 Eye of Ugin
4 Grove of the Burnwillows
4 Ancient Stirrings
4 Chromatic Sphere
4 Chromatic Star
1 Expedition Map
4 Relic of Progenitus
4 Pyroclasm
4 Sylvan Scrying
3 Oblivion Stone
4 Wurmcoil Engine
4 Karn Liberated
1 Grafdigger's Cage
4 Nature's Claim
2 Spellskite
2 Mindslaver

Have all my trade list


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I would also suggest adding the function to allow people to determine how many trades a person has before it shows on your list. I am tired of looking for a card and all the closest people have 0 score and no wish list

Let me know if we can work some thing out

its a deal good sir

I will trade 1 for 1 silver blades and Avy pilgrims for there promo counterparts. The Avys i value at a dolarish each ontop of sending a normal avy back if needed


(0 replies, posted in Canadian Traders)

These are a high priority want for me, I got one from playing FNM, need 3 more. valued at 1.50$ each to me (aprox)

ad above sais, let me know


(0 replies, posted in Canadian Traders)

Looking for 20 of each! I value them at about $0.25 each N/M and a bit less for the level of damage old cards can see. Let me know what you have and we can make some trades for them.

I need:

3 Woodland Cemetaries
2 Overgrown Tomb

I have 3 Falkenwrath and much more for trade on my list.