Frontier was introduced in Japanses competitions in 2016, and is still  played competitevely in Canada and parts of the USA. Altough its not (yet) a very popular format, adding a rule-script for Frontier as deck type would be easy. For those 2 reasons, is it possible to add it to the list of deck types?
In a nut shell, its rule structure is the same as modern, except only core+expansions from M15 forward are legal. Its wiki is here  It currently has no ban list.


(7 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Its not clean, but if you do "rules text:" select either include or exclude, and then the color coes you want/don't want to see in rules text, it'll filter as such.

For example, once I've narrowed a list to just commander/brawl/singleton legal within the colors i want, then I go and (ina second tab) copy that search. In second tab, add the "rules text" to filter cards that include colors I don't want to see (there will be a few false positives, but not many). From this, adding the following filter to first tab "name - does not contain:" and listing the ones I cannot add (again, if you've narrowed tab 2 proparly, it should not be a long list), then apply filters. Finally I save the search (just in case I need to return to it) and begin the hunt.

Is it elegant, no, but it does work.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

These are all the sets that are Arena only:


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

The Arena only sets are missing from edition/expansion list. Although those cards have $0.00 trade value, it messes up import/export to arena (since those cards don't exist in any other set. Arena Beginner (ANB) set includes 116 unique cards which are fully legal within Arena. In reading through other posts regarding virtual card support, I think (and I could be wrong) but making "Virtual" a card condition (and less then Bad so it doesn't affect conditioning) might be the easiest solution. It'd need to set value at 0% since arena cards can't be traded.

*For MTGO users, there already is a viable workaround for virtual cards, an "other" deck type as a binder. MTGO fully supports exporting to XML which can be displayed in an easy to copy/paste format, this is why I am not suggesting full virtual support, only adding the virtual-only sets. With instruction, I can compile the set lists/images without a roblem.