(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

redwildrider wrote:

I've noticed a number of... unusual... prices lately. Sometimes, the prices will self-correct, but, if you see one that doesn't...

On the card's page, there is a "Report Pricing Error" link next to the word "Prices." I haven't yet used it myself, but I only recently noticed it myself.

Oh right on thanks, never noticed it, but ill use it next time i notice something off.


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Should we be pointing out cards with the wrong pricing?, not looking to be annoying, but for example, Murderous Rider // Swift End is still at 8 bucks on here, but they have dropped down to 1.31, hate to say it since i got 4 damn it lol


(27 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Right on. Thanks for the quick fix!!


(27 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Guess I can't expect 24/7 maintenance lol. All good, just finish up the inventory tomorrow night smile


(27 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Nice, Canadian.  Is it only him running the site?, just curious.


(27 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

not giving up on it, I've liked it so far and i understand every site has problems at some point, so not a big deal, just sad i only got to use it for such a short time lol


(27 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

For you guys paying, im sure its alot more disappointing, i literally been using the site for less then 24h and already problems, makes it a bit disappointing. Was really hoping this would be a good site....


(27 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Islanzadi38 wrote:

Yea, I am getting this error as well. There must be a glitch on the site somewhere. I can view my trades and orders but I can't see any individual cards or my decks.

cant use anything below MTG collection. Got all set up with my cards and a nice drink to add to my list and cant get in lol, its ok, it happens, just wondering if there was anything we could do, or is it all up to them to get it fixed smile


(27 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

getting the error 500 right now, any way to fix this or is it a waiting game?