Thanks for the reply, but it seems everyone wants to get rid of angel of serenity, and no one wants to wheel and deal on a trade for some Sublime archangels... Come on, folks, I've got a lot of great stuff to offer here...

I've got some good value cards in my trade binder, and I just want to build out my new T2 deck. I haven't been able to play T2 since rotation; shit sucks.

I'm looking for:

  • (3) Ajani Caller of the Pride

  • (4) Sublime Archangel

  • (1) Angel of Serenity

My priority is the playset of Sublime Archangel and the Ajani Caller of the Pride; I don't want to trade my money cards off until I get my deck built. The sideboard can wait, lol.


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Anything from my tradelist I could interest you in?

I'd be interested in that angel. You have any interest in my tradelist at all?