Hey. I live in Cincinnati. I'm interested in your Thundermaws!
1 2012-12-19 19:38:19
Re: Selling Geist of ST and Thundermaws and more. (1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
2 2012-12-19 07:28:48
Re: H: Lots of Modern/EDH/Standard W: Thundermaw, Sorin LoI, Shock Lands (2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
^ proposed a trade
3 2012-12-19 07:12:05
Topic: H: Lots of Modern/EDH/Standard W: Thundermaw, Sorin LoI, Shock Lands (2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Notable Haves -
1x Cryptic Command
4x Glen Elendra Archmage
1x Jace, AoT
2x Bitterblossom
3x Maelstrom Pulse
1x Olivia Voldaren
+ more
High priority want is Thundermaw Hellkite foil
also Sorin, Lord of Innistrad, Sphinx's Revelation (foil if possible)
and RtR shock lands.
4 2012-12-12 23:27:18
Topic: H: Just added tons of Modern staples + Standard W: Standard stuff (3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Notable Haves
2x Thoughtseize (1 english, 1 spanish)
1x Mutavault (japanese)
1x Crucible of Worlds
4x Noble Hierarch
3x Cryptic Command
3x Bitterblossom (this card is banned in modern)
4x Glen Elendra Archmage
1x Tamiyo, the Moon Sage
1x Jace, Architect of Thought
3x Liliana of the Veil
4x Sphinx's Revelation
2x Hinterland Harbor
1x Sorin, Lord of Innistrad
2x Cavern of Souls
+ more on wishlist
Strike up a trade, I'm always looking for dual lands too!
5 2012-12-04 17:30:15
Topic: H: Jace AoT, Angel of Ser, foil Gisela, +, W: Iso. Chapels, Swagtusk (0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Check out my trade list! Right now it's all standard stuff. Haven't updated all of my modern.
Feel free to make a trade! Really looking for 2x Thragtusk, Isolated Chapel, Sorin Lord of Innistrad, Hinterland Harbor
6 2012-11-16 02:51:37
Topic: H: Tamiyo, Isolated Chapel, Angel of Serenity W: Paladin/Geist/Bonfire (0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I currently need
1 GoST
3 Silverblade Paladins
2 Sublime Archangel
Sublime is not a high priority. I really want her, don't really need her.
Also looking for bonfires.
7 2012-11-09 19:10:54
Topic: [H]: Jace AoT, Snaps, & 500+ rares, [W]: W/U Humans & Bonfire (0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Title says it all, let's do a trade!
8 2012-11-07 01:04:04
Re: Looking for Zendikar full art lands (6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I've got a ton of these.
I'll be proposing a trade.
9 2012-11-06 20:42:03
Re: H: Jace AoT, 2x Snapcasters, Angel of Ser., W: 2x GoST (2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Suggest a trade. I'm sure we can figure something out.
10 2012-11-06 20:01:17
Topic: H: Jace AoT, 2x Snapcasters, Angel of Ser., W: 2x GoST (2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
There are also over 500 rares in my trade list. A lot of Standard stuff. I'm currently using UW control and trying to build RDW, so anything else is up for trade.
11 2012-10-26 06:30:05
Re: W: 1 Armada Wurm, 2 Liliana of the Veil (1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I have a wurm, as well as a lot of things on your wishlist.
I'll be making you an offer
12 2012-10-26 03:34:04
Topic: 10 pages of rares just added. Mostly 1 ofs. W: Anything on my wishlist (0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Mainly looking for my wishlist cards or any other standard WU control. Finishing my first standard deck and I'm really looking for
1x Hallowed Fountain
1x Tamiyo
1x Jace
4x Think Twice
Will also trade for WG RtR staples
13 2012-10-25 08:05:40
Re: H: Shock lands, Trostani, Armada Wurm, Abrupt Decay W: Entreat, Angel (3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
You have a lot of what I need. Sending you an offer.
14 2012-10-25 07:54:26
Topic: H: Shock lands, Trostani, Armada Wurm, Abrupt Decay W: Entreat, Angel (3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I sorted my trade list so that it shows only things worth more than a few bucks, but I'm willing to trade anything.
Check me out.
15 2012-10-25 06:45:42
Re: H: Entreat, Isolated Chapel, Trostani W: Temple Garden and stuff (6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I'll trade you an Armada Wurm and a Temple Garden for your Entreat
16 2012-10-25 05:29:43
Re: H.Hallowed fountain W.Temple Garden (2 replies, posted in Trading Post)
I'll trade you a Temple Garden for Hallowed Fountain