(5 replies, posted in General Discussion)

it's not a big problem for me I was just wondering what the reason might be. if it is because of some changes that have happened to new edit's it might well be correct but I can not tell cause i have only played for half a year as of now


(5 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Blazing torch
Elves of deep shadow
fire elemental
leonin skyhunter
ravenous rats
Traitorous Instinct
Wall of Fire

come up when im searching for uncommon cards  all of them show as common in the rarity tag but its still listed

Searching for rare i get the following uncommon cards

Serra Angel   
Thran Golem

when searching for commons i get
uncommon's as follows
Mogg Fanatic
Oblivion Ring
Torch Fiend


(5 replies, posted in General Discussion)

im doing decksearches where i only want one rarity but other rarities keep getting into the list   is this a fault or is it some reason behind it ?

Built a couple of deck's to try out at Standard   one Green'Black with focus on Zombies and one white'Red with focus on humans.
Initially i believe they look odd but its all because i as stated before dont have to many cards. But i think i might have found a nice synergy effeckt on the buildt decks.   I think the Red white deck might be the best of them. since there are good potential for some bombs.

Any comments to these deck's ?`  and what i should swap out or put into a sideboard?
Green Black http://deckbox.org/sets/264606

White Red http://deckbox.org/sets/267727

I have tried to make a black green deck but still to many cards..   i know its not ideal but is there any comments as to what you think i should pull out and maybe put in ?

Yes i have figured out how to filter the cards.  only deck i have been able to create so faar that is anywhere close to good was a goblin burn hybrid  at modern standard. 

i also managed to build i fun green deck but it needed at least 10 rounds to really get it going but after that it was kicking seriously.

Well i just found this awesome site well its a lot easier than the toolset i had for making a list on my computer anyways.

I am wondering i dont have to many cards yet since i just started to play Magic again at the end of this summer.
"quit Magic a while after the ice age"
my problem now is that most people close to where i live is really heavy into magic and its nearly impossible to beat them at any time cause they invest a ton o money and time into the game.

could anyone help me a bit and se if its possible to create any viable deck's from the cards i have?
Preferably in standard  but i could do a modern deck to just to have it.

Premature thanks to any help big_smile