(11 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

sebi wrote:

Hi guys, thank you for reporting these.

The "you have 1 order that needs your attention" was a display mistake, it should now say there aren't any. (If there will be, you will also get an email about it.)

ReliquaryTower, I fixed it, the page should be displaying correctly now. I will reply to rfioren's mail about the payment, he will be able to redo it.

atomicashes, nothing can happen with the 0, if it's 0 it behaves as if you did not set anything. Users cannot add it to their shopping carts, so it's safe. We might have to fix it so that it does not show as 0, but still as N/A.

Thanks for the quick work, my phantom order disappeared.

I'm assuming the Orders section will show up in "My Favorites" automatically when there is an order to look at?


(11 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

trutrix wrote:

It says I have one order that needs attention, but my order page is completely blank.

Same here, and I also don't have a link to my Orders page anywhere on my screen.