A lot of order only and destruction only cards do not show up when searched using the destruction only / order only trait filter.
Thanks for the quick fix smile


(3 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)

Entropy wrote:

However, you should note that you can't use the Hydra Blade's ability at the end of this combo to save your unit, since Bathe requires a sacrifice, and the blade only prevents a unit from being destroyed.

Good point, thank you Entropy.


(3 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)

If I play Bathe in Blood on a unit of Black Guard Aspirant whis has a Hydra Blade attached to it, will it double the flat unit power (2*2=4) or the combined power form his ability plus the Hydra Blade ((2+1+2)*2=10)?

From the Warhammer Q&A Thread in this forum:

Q. If I play a card like Waaagh! or use an action like Grudge Thrower before combat, do I get the bonus?
A. Yes, that kind of action creates a continuous effect that waits for the appropriate time to give the bonus.

Nevermind, got my answer from the James' Rulings. the answer is "yes" to both questions.
Anyway another question comes to my mind: can I use the Grudge Thrower action after the combat phase?

Can I sacrifice a unit with the Grudge Thrower ability to let Dwarf Ranger do a damage outside of the combat phase?
If the answer is yes, will the attacking/defending units receive the bonus when, after the sacrifice, combat phase starts?

So once a player resolves an effect this doesn't go to stack but resolves immediately right?
Otherwise I would have resolved my dmg on the Bloodsworn but the oppenent would then heal him retroactively.

Interesting point...


(9 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)

Thanks Justice.

Can't see why not. Units don't have to have power icons to attack.


(9 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)

Any sources (rulings) you can link for your answer?

Got it. Thanks Justice!

Exactly... But if the stack resolves like this:
Player 1 action: Sacrifice the dwarf with Grudgethrower
Player 1 action: Deal 1 damage with Dwarf Ranger
Player 2 action: Heal the Bloodsworn

The Bloodsworn gets healed...
Which of the 2?

The following is a situation me and a friend of mine often fall into.

I have on the quest side a Dwarf Ranger. On the battlefield I have a unit of Defender of the Hold and a Grudge Thrower.

He got on his battlefield a unit of Bloodsworn with 2 damage counters on it.

The question is: if I sacrifice the Defender of the Hold using the ability of the Grudge Thrower, can I do the damage (for the Dwarf Ranger's ability) to the Bloodsworn and kill it, or it gets healed prior of this due to the fact that my unit goes in the discard pile (and it takes one damage afterward)?

Hello everybody.
Regarding the card Mountain Brigands I have a doubt about wich kind of resources you can steal from an opponent.
Just the ones on the realm or, if he/she has none on the realm, also the ones on quest / unit / support cards?


(3 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)

What about being able to place your units also in your teammate's capital (paying the standard cost plus the full loyalty cost)?