(10 replies, posted in Honorable Circle of Magi)

I have had nothing but outstanding service and interactions with you good sir.  My post here was in the hopes that you can find in any way at all some support for you when something you did not deserve happened to you.  You might be surprised to find that I would even go so far as to just mail you random free cards as part of community effort to just help spread the loss to all of our shoulders.  But I suspect, like me, you would be too proud to accept such a thing ^_^

Love the game, and love the trade ^_^. Be well friend!


(10 replies, posted in Honorable Circle of Magi)

The entire point of Tracking a package I thought was to absolve yourself of when it is "Delivered" and they say it is not.  I would have to review the rules, but I thought the website specifically pointed out a clause about tracking and delivered.  I could be wrong though.

Of my 500 trades I have tracked close to 40 of them and most have been on request of the other trader.  I don't think any of my tracked envelopes have gotten lost, except one that tracked into hawaii somehow, but eventually made it back to its target location of montana.  I have had about 4 envelopes not make it to me and about 8 not make it to others for a net loss of 150$ or so on my part.  3 of those not arrivals were later confirmed as scammers.  I have always considered this acceptable vrs the cost of tracking.  Or I think I have just been very lucky to have such a low rate of loss compared to how great this community and service is.  Then again, allot of my trades are smaller and I aim to keep them around 20$, I don't do as big a trade as you do very often ^_^

That being said, I want to offer my most sincere apologies that you were forced into adding such a clause onto your bio.  That very much so is a total bummer.  I may be a stranger in some regards, but I can still commiserate with someone when something bad happens.  Best of luck to your future, and hopefully a little bit of mental support will help that you don't get too mentally scared of this experience ^_^


(9 replies, posted in Honorable Circle of Magi)

I've never been in a community or a forum of any kind on the internet, so this will be a new experience for me.  It was funny, when I saw this E-Mail I instantly expect that Roy somehow had something to do with this invite.  I checked over all the posts, and low and behold, I was right.

That being said: About myself a little.  I represent about ten magic players that all play casually and for fun and across every format.  Whenever someone wants a card I get asked and I look here to see if I can find it.  I accept any and all forms of trade from them for the card, it doesn't matter, as long as my friends get the cards they are looking for.  That being said, I feel the same way about helping people out on this site, if I ever have something you want, just ask.

My only drawback is I'm an old player and most of my cards are old.  I seldom invest actual money in the game, instead I just squander the cards I have till I have whatever I'm looking for.  So I don't know I'll be much help with completing new sets.  I do however, have an extensive bulk stack in my room with commons / uncommons from lots of older sets, I just don't like spending time shipping large stacks of cards for small amounts so never posted them all. 

I love this site and will help support it as best I can. 
Thanks for the invite ^_^