(4 replies, posted in World of Warcraft)

With regard to exporting, deckbox can export your sets in csv format. I think if the other guys support any kind of import, you could get the csv to look like their format by changing it in google spreadsheets or something of that sort.

Tried with Excel, it takes many steps, some not very user-friendly and the file succeeded in getting about 67% of my collection there, the reste being sucked in the void...  I'm still trying to figure out an easy way to do it, but some cards are not spelled the same way.  Nevertheless, thank you for adding Crown!


(4 replies, posted in World of Warcraft)

Speaking of www.tcgbrowser.com, could we have an export format compatible with them?  I can't transfer my collection on that website to get a visual of my cards.

I'd really appreciate if anyone could help me copy my inventory over there.


(4 replies, posted in World of Warcraft)

The Crown cards are not in the db yet.  They can be found on http://www.tcgbrowser.com/

Thank you!


(0 replies, posted in World of Warcraft)

Here are a few cards I have that are not in the Database.

http://www.wowtcgvault.com/ViewCard.asp … Edition=HO
http://en.wow.tcgmarket.eu/Winter_Veil_ … 52126.prod
http://www.wowtcgvault.com/ViewCard.asp … Edition=HO
http://www.wowtcgvault.com/ViewCard_Pop … Edition=HO
http://www.wowtcgvault.com/ViewCard_Pop … Edition=HO

And 4 really coolc Biker promo cards that you will find here :
http://www.wowtcg.com/tournaments/draft … raft-rally

I have one copy of each.  Last card I can think of (but I don't have it yet):
http://www.ccgcastle.com/items/view/474 … Eggregator


(2 replies, posted in World of Warcraft)

Acutally, that was partly true.

The card War Party hitching post does exist and has the same text, image and everything else.  I saw it in a store, it was the loot card foil and scratchable.  So my guess is that the card I have (Landro's) is the non-loot version.  Maybe you should create them both?

Sorry, I saw the war party card yesterday only.


(2 replies, posted in World of Warcraft)

The card listed as :

Should be Landro's Hitching Post
(Note that wowtcgdb made a typo in the name: Landro's)

I've liste my card as War Party Hitching Post even though it's not the proper name, but it would be great if it could be changed.

Thank you!


(9 replies, posted in World of Warcraft)

sebi wrote:

We are definitely reading. smile We'll import the missing ones after the weekend.

Any indication which weekend that would be?


(9 replies, posted in World of Warcraft)

Just putting those cards will be very appreciated for the moment :-)


(9 replies, posted in World of Warcraft)

Very happy to read that.

Could there be an option added to mark cards as EA and/or foil and/or loot?


(9 replies, posted in World of Warcraft)

Yep, Void Rip and Bottled Cunning are missing, as are Kirox Butcherblade, Jacob Blackcrest and Red Rider Air Rifle.

I previously reported those cards missing, but I doubt that the admin are reading these forums.


If so, please add them!


(9 replies, posted in World of Warcraft)

Thank you for those.  Now I need Red Rider Air Rifle, Kirox Butcherblade and Jacob Blackcrest please :-)


(9 replies, posted in World of Warcraft)

sebi wrote:

Thanks for the heads-up. Sadly, Cryptozoic has not yet added them to the Official Card Reference, and it is very hard for me to import them by hand.

I have posted a comment on the official forums regarding their addition to the Card Reference, hopefully it'll happen soon.

Journey to the crossroads is still not in the database, haven't checked for the others.