Like everyone else, I'm on the search for Fetches. Trying to build a full playset of each for deck building. I'm also looking to build Jund. Priorities are the Confidants and the Verdant Catacombs.
Notable Haves:
Jace, The Mindscupltor (FTV:20)
Karn Liberated
Force of Will
(Also, not listed but I do have a Scalding Tarn available for the right offer)
I live in the U.K. but due to a military perk and I do have access to the U.S. postal service and I have a U.S. Address.

Like everyone else, I'm on the search for Fetches. Trying to build a full playset of each for deck building. I'm also looking to build Jund. Priorities are the Confidants and the Verdant Catacombs.

Notable Haves:
Jace, The Mindscupltor (FTV:20)
Karn Liberated
Force of Will

(Also, not listed but I do have a Scalding Tarn available for the right offer)

I live in the U.K. but due to a military perk and I do have access to the U.S. postal service and I have a U.S. Address.

Mainly looking for some misty rainforests, a linvala, and a Judge Foil Noble.

Thanks in Advance.

I've got a lot of smalls (most of my pricier stuff has been traded away) and I'm looking for cards for my Ertai, the corrupted and my Legacy dredge deck. I'm always willing to look through lists. I can nearly always find something. hit me up for some offers!

Looking for the following "Pimp" cards

Russian Liliana of the Veil
Any Russian B/W U/B W/B land

I'm always trading for Russian Planeswalkers!


I've been wary of internet trading in the past, but I'm here to give it a shot.

Please be sure to check back as I'm still going through my collection and updating my Haves. Also, just because its not on my want list doesn't mean I don't want it. I'm always interested in seeing what's available. One man's junk is another man's EDH deck

Please note that I live in the UK, however, I do have an U.S. address available.

Notable haves:
Vendilion Clique
Vedlaken shackles
Snapcaster Mage
Restoration Angel
Sensei's divining top
Umezawa's Jitte
Stoneforge mystic

And more!

Non Card Items for trade into MtG cards:
Fatpack boxes from NPH to RtR

Xbox 360 titles:
Boderlands 2
Battlefield 3
Fallout 3
Mass effect 3

Other randoms:
Warhammer 40k core rules
Blood Angels Codex
Dark Eldar Codex
Grey Knights Codex
Hundreds of opened space marine product

Thanks for taking the time to look through the binder.


Hello and Welcome!
Please feel free to peruse my tradelist/wishlist.

I have many more wants that I haven't posted yet (Mostly because I haven't thought of them yet.)

I'm always willing to dig through a list for some goodies.

Make sure to check back regularly as I dig through my collection and update my lists.

Also, Though I live in the UK, I have both UK and US addresses available.
