Ever since the 2.0 web update, my iDeckbox app has stopped working.  Even the latest patch that was recently released, I'm still having issues.

When I try to enter my Deckbox Login, it always responds with "Account not found!".

I've tried deleting and reinstalling the app to no avail.


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

braincandy wrote:

1. It would be really nice to see the cards I'm missing from each edition, with the option to add them to my wish list.

This would be an awesome feature.  I agree 100%.

This is a tough one, because other players may care about seeing quantities per card.  Using your example, what if you had a different quantity of 4th ed. Detonate? Per your preference, you'd see:

     4 Detonate - 5th, 4th, Mirrodin

Others may want to know how many of each:

     1 Detonate - 5th
     2 Detonate - 4th
     1 Detonate - Mirrodin

I think, long term, it would be great if the cards were in collapsible rows (or something similar):

     Detonate (4)
      +- 5th E. (1)
      +- 4th Ed. (2)
      +- Mirrodin (1)

Those who want the details get them, but those who don't can see the total quantity on a single line.

I agree 100% with HikingStick in that different users have different needs and tastes.

I personally like seeing how many of each edition I own.  Going with collapsable rows is probably the best of both worlds.

OK, now it makes way more sense.  Thanks so much for the detailed explanation!

Sorry if I seemed a bit dense with my initial questioning.  Everything else on the site was very intuitive except for this one piece.  Now that I know how it all works, I'll be able to leverage it when I'm ready.

Now to enter my remaining 25,000 cards... wink

Thanks TyWooOneTime and Helios52 for the tips and advice.  All very helpful!!

I'm still a tiny bit foggy on the site's matchmaking trade capability.  So, until I join a "Community", I will not see any sort of recommended trading partners via Deckbox, regardless of my wish/trade lists and local setting (local, worldwide, etc)?  I have not joined any "Communities" yet via the "People" menu.  Currently, I don't see any recommended trade partners in any of my submenus in my user profile page, no matter what cards I add to my trade and wish lists.

I assumed (perhaps incorrectly) that the site would match me up with people who only had local user accounts on Deckbox.org that needed cards that I am willing to trade, or cards that I need from them.  So far, the only way I see to interact with other Deckbox users looking to trade is to inspect their profiles, one by one, via the "People" menu, then select their "Profile" page, and look at the bottom where it says "Trading Opportunities" (using Tradelist or Inventory).  While this works, I know this must not be the proper way to do it because it would take forever inspecting user by user.

Which one of my Profile submenus will I see potential trading opportunities, once I have everything configured correctly and am a member of a community, etc?

Thanks so much again for the assistance!

Hello everyone.  I'm relatively new to the site, and have a few very basic questions that I hope someone can answer.  smile

Once I get my entire collection entered and start populating my trade and wish lists (and flag myself as willing to trade within the country instead of local only), where will I find the list of potential people to trade with based on what I have and what I need? 

Does the site automatically compile the potential trader list for me, or do I need to manually hunt and peck through the "People" list looking for potential traders?  Will the site show me a list in real time as I modify my trade/wish lists, or does it only process this information at a certain interval (once per day, etc)?

Also, when looking at other people's profiles, when I look at their previous Trades, I'm not sure what I am seeing.  If cards are listed under their name/column, are they the cards they traded away, or the cards they received from the other person?

Thanks in advance for the help!  I'm sorry if these are very simple questions, but I'd like to have answers before taking the next step.

Thanks very much for this OUTSTANDING update!  I just started using Deckbox a few days ago to catalog my collection (I have a long way to go big_smile ), but the update is most welcome.

I am having one small issue so far.  If I try to Export my collection and include the "Price" column in the Export, nothing happens.  The file download does not trigger.  Any other combination of included columns seems to work just fine.

I am using a Mac running OS 10.7.5 and have tried both Safari and Firefox browsers so far.  I'll keep experimenting with others.