Thanks for sharing with me the View > Print!  I did not notice that, and that solves most of my needs.

I really like this site, and can see myself putting a good amount of time into importing my collection, creating decks, etc.  With that type of an investment of time, I just like to be able to easily get my data out.  I've lost time before putting a ton of information into sites to only have something happen, and its nice to know I can protect myself from that.

I'm also just getting back into Magic, and imagine there might be other tools I use besides deckbox.  Deckbox has the great ability to export the collection, which is nice - I imagine I may find tools that could benefit from being able to import a deck (or decks).  But I imagine the format you pointed out from View -> Print will work well in those cases (or at least be easy enough to transform).

I just found your site today and am loving it.  It is excellent.  Here's a few features I'd love to see:

1. Ability to Export Decks.
2. Ability to filter by card condition / batch update card condition (i.e. select 10 cards, change from Mint to Nearly Mint).  I.E. "Card Actions" would include something like "Set condition".
3. In a deck, ability to move multiple cards between deck and sideboard.  I.E. Select cards via check box, click "Card Actions", one of those actions is "Move to Sideboard" or "Move to deck".
4. In a "Listing" view, the ability to add a column that contains a small card image.  A small image even if too small to read might be helpful when scanning longer lists or as a quick reminder to pull the details back into your memory.
5. Ability to track which versions of cards you have.  I.E. There are multiple versions of "Swamp" within Return to Ravinica, it'd be nice to track that I have 5 with card number 260, 3 with card number 261, 7 with card number 262, etc (Artwork lines up to card number).
6. Ability to add Tokens to collection.

I'm using the deck to store the cards I open while doing sealed tournaments with my friends so I can later come back and evaluate how I built the deck and see if I could have done better.  The third request would make this process much easier.

Hi.  I found this website after seeing your app in the app store.  I like the concept, but I'm having trouble getting the app to work.  I've signed up for an account, added a single card to my collection, but the app is crashing when I try to log into deckbox account in the app.  I type my login in, hit done, and then there is a short pause followed by a crash.  I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling with the same results.

I look forward to using your app when its working.  It appears to be the exact combination of functionality I was looking for: import/export, app + website, filtering, and deck management.

One suggestion: it appears your app will not go into landscape mode.  I understand why this might be restricted on the smaller iPhone screen, but it would be nice to have landscape for the iPad.



iPad 2 running 5.1.1