(5 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)

happy to help smile


(5 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)

unit reaches the next round, it gains 1 token (opponent need to discard one card from his deck) but you dont need to spent resources (you gather them, and opponent must discard more and more cards each turn, as long as your unit is questing there)
- this was about Infiltrate!

One quest - one unit.

You can play buildings and any other supports to battlefield (not attachments, this should be added to units), but power icons wont add any damage. This buildings are just in battlefield, and if its possible you can use ability.

for example.
are very useful in battlefield.


(5 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)

5oRitez wrote:


since the spending of the resource tokens is forced
it will trigger every turn?

even the first turn after putting a unit on it?

Yes, its because when multiple Forced effects occurs, active player decides which goes first.

5oRitez wrote:


when i choose who its gone b, is that "targeting" ?

no, you choose which unit will by sacraficed when is tie, but its still not targeting. You choose, enemy sacrafice, so you dont target.