(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Trade completed

In a trade already for the ral already. I will update the post.  Sorry

Looking for 2 more Snapcaster Mages at highest priority. Take a look at my tradelist and see if we can work something out.

Done trading for Restoration Angels. Thanks to everyone who helped out.


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Bump. Added a few new items to my Tradelist - Temple Gardens and an Angel of Serenity


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)


Trade sent

No problem. I traded him away last night anyways. I meant to come on here and give an update but I will just give your post another bump instead

I'm interested in Emrakrul. I see you are looking for an Obzedat and I have one of those for trade. Look through my list and tell me if you see anything else you like that might make this happen. Thanks!

Got the Decays, just need 2 Tombs and 3 stomping ground now

Hi, I am looking to finish out my jund deck. Just need the following cards atm:


3x Stomping Grounds
2x Overgrown Tomb

1x Obzedat
1x Terminus
1x Silverblade Paladin
1x Champion of the Parish

Let me know if we can work something out.

Looking for 3x Stomping Grounds and 4x Tomb

Some notable standard stuff

  • Garruk, Primal Hunter

  • Silverblade Paladin

  • Breeding Pool

  • Terminus

  • Champion of the Parish

  • Frontline Medic

I also have some Leyline of Sanctity if anyone is interested or any combination of other stuff on my tradelist!

You could also offer them for cash. Depending on the price I might buy.


Added clifftop retreat to the list if anyone is interested.

Hi, I am trying to unload a few Leylines for you modern players and am looking to get some more shocks so I can expand my options for standard. Also have a clifftop retreat I would like to trade for a shock land and a foil frontline medic if there are any collectors out there interested

I currently need at least one of every shock except Blood Crypt and Hallowed Fountains, so just let me know if you are interested in making a trade.



I am looking to stock up on shock lands so I can branch out my options for decks as well as looking for bits and pieces for some casual decks. Take a look at my inventory and see if there is anything we can do to work it out. If you are interested in something I have but don't have anything on my wishlist feel free to just link me to your inventory. I am always looking for cards for EDH and my other casual decks.


Trying to finish out the last few cards for my Esper control deck and I need to get my hands on some more Obzedats. I would prefer to do both in one trade but I will take whatever I can get. Just let me know if we can work something out.

I would also be willing to pay cash for them.
