(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Trying to finish my Thopter Sword deck. Here's what I need:
2 Sphinx of the Final Word
1 Sun Titan
2 Condemn
4 Muddle the Mixture
2 Thopter Foundry
2 Detention Sphere
4 Prairie Stream
3 Pull from Eternity
3 Grafdigger's Cage
1 Pithing Needle

Please help me finish this deck soon!

Just looking to finish a couple decks. Look at my wish list, it is up to date.

Exactly what the title says. If your interested, hit me up with a trade. We can balance out the cost.


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Look through and let's make a trade.

crashenx wrote:

I have several of the cards that are printed in MM3 from previous sets, including a playset of Zendikar Marsh Flats, a Misty Rainforest, a playset of Lilianna, a Tarmogoyf (MM2), a playset of Snapcasters, and probably several others if you wanna work something out. Thanks!

Sorry. I didn't see anything I wanted other than the Flats. And I did be more interested in MM3 border.

I have a beautiful Revised Underground Sea. I don't play Legacy, so there's no point in me keeping it. But I do play modern. Looking for any and all MM3 Fetches with a priority on Catacombs and Flats.


Want to trade for my U/B control deck. Starting with the land base.

Trading for my dad. He's got a foil Emrakul and really wants a masterpiece Greaves. Let's make a trade and make an old man's day!

Building a fun modern deck that is actually pretty sweet. Hoping to get the enchantments on my wish list. Let's trade.


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Still just need one more Cryptic Command (preferably MM2) to finish a deck. Let's make it happen.

To be a little clearer, I want MM2, I already have MMA. But I'll take a MMA as my last Command.

I need a few different things on my wish list, but I'm only 1 cryptic command short of finishing a deck. Also, if someone would want to trade a MMA command for a MM2 command, I would be interested.

All in my Wishlist. Hoping to get it done quickly so I can get my dad into modern.

Looking to finish my modern deck.
I need: 4 magus of the moon and 2 copperline gorges.

Like the title says. I have some good stuff that I am looking to turn into cards I need.


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Lebang101 wrote:

Hey, do you still need a Celestial Collonade? I don't see it on your wishlist.

Whoops. Yes. I thought I put it on there.


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Looking for 3 swords and 3 foundries. Also looking for a Collonade. Lets make a deal.


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have my tron deck just sitting around and I would like to consolidate my collection a little. I'm looking for an Overgrown Tomb expedition and as many khans fetch lands I can get.


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Avnartt wrote:

Still looking for the wheel and the scoozes.

I am still looking for two.


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Still looking for the wheel and the scoozes.


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Looking for specific cars:
1x fulminator mage
1x languish
2x scavenging Ooze
1x wheel of sun and moon

Looking for 3x dark confidant and 1x abrupt decay for my 3x hierarchs. Let's make a trade!

Looking for 4 total but hoping to trade my n/m volcanic for at least 2 goyfs.

Exactly like the title says. Have an expedition godless shrine and a very pretty volcanic island. Looking for a full playset of goyfs but only have these items to trade. So 3 will do.