(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have two Thundermaws and will start up a trade :].

I have Hellkites, Gameday Promo Melek and my tradelist is up to date for the most part.
I'm looking for what's on my tradelist. The schocklands I'm most interested in are the temple gardens and sacred foundries since I'm working on a naya deck ;].

Hey, I have 3 thundermaws. Are you still looking to pick them up?

I have 3 Thundermaw Hellkites and am looking to trade for some shock lands. Let me know if you're interested :].

Hey, I have the 4 maulers but only 2 loyalist. If you're interested I would like that Temple Garden :].

1x Voice of Resurgence
1x Progenitor Mimic
some other dgm cards from the prerelease and my tradelist as well.


Let me know if you're interested! big_smile