So I'd like to get my foot in the door of Legacy and get a few staples picked up. Have a ton of stuff for EDH and Modern and looking to make some trades!

Look at my Inventory and see if we can start a trade! Thanks in advance.


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Hey guys! Added some more stuff to my tradelist just wanted to see if anyone was interested. Thanks in advance!


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)



(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Hey there! I may be interested! I have Jund now but haven't been loving the deck. Playing in SCG Dallas this weekend and may be looking to get away from it after this weekend. If you have any interest let me know! Thanks!

Pulled a foil Ob in a fat pack! Looking to trade it off!

Hey there I have three MP Karns if you are interested? I will cut you a deal if you are!

I'll think I'll try to stick to the States for now. Sorry bud. Have never traded to Canada and its hard enough to get stuff through the mail just in the US haha

Bump since I made an edit!

Just like the title says! Looking for a little standard stuff!

Also the bigger the trade the better! Would like to pick up most of the deck in one trade!

Take a look and see if there is anything you need from me if you would please.

I'm currently looking for Mono Blue Devotion stuff. Maybe we can make a deal!

Is your wishlist up to date good sir?


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Let me know if we can work out a deal! Fetches probably aren't for trade but everything else should be! Thanks for looking you guys.

I could part them out depending on what cards you needed. The bigger the trade the better!

Bumpity bump!

I have the deck sleeved up and ready to go in paper form minus 4 Mutavaults! Rest of the deck is all there though! Looking to get into Magic Online so I'd like to either sell it or trade it for tix! Thanks a lot for looking guys!


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)


Just like the title says! Thanks for looking!


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)


So I am going to come off my legacy cards and possibly trade for Modern stuff or just sell outright. I think I'll get more value in trading but not sure yet. I guess I will just have to weigh offers.

I have the 4 Force of Wills. Two of them are English 2 are Portugese. All 4 are NM but I will double check them more closely later to make sure I'm 100% accurate.

I have a legacy deck I would also like to try to sell or get rid of. It is the old school Reanimator list, NOT Tin Fins. I have it all except the lands. All the entombs and rest of it though.

Anyways you guys take a look let me know what you think!

Oh also, I may be interested in 4 goyfs too maybe we can make a deal?



(1 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I have almost the entire deck. Give me a few minutes I'll shoot you a trade.

I have a normal and foil version. You interested? If so feel free to start a discussion!


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Interested in a Cryptic Command or an aether vial if you can find anything on my side.


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)



(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Have the majority if not all of Legacy Goblins cards minus lands. Was wondering if anyone would be interested in the deck. Condition of a few of the cards are played rest should be SP to NM. I'm looking for Underground Seas or Polluted Deltas. A tall order I know sad Just thought I would throw this out there. Thanks.

Take a look at my list? I could use two of them