(5 replies, posted in Announcements)

Are you guys ever going to do a mobile app?


I have a 5th Steam Vaults and Hinterland Harbor, looking to get a Blood Crypt or other needed shocks/checks.  Also have some MMA cards to trade, will update trade list soon.

Nevpicasso wrote:

Bump and update.  Sold the fetches and a few others, still selling Snapcasters and some MM cards (and the rest of my tradelist) smile

how much do you want the snaps for each?

Hi I have some ~4-5 dollar legacy to trade for checklands (I'm trying to get into standard).  Please check out my lists!

Paul_K wrote:

The legacy traders format is for legacy - legacy cards or some variation of.  Please use the reddit community for standard cards either desired or to trade (they are much bigger than here plus they do trade legacy/modern/edh formats so you'll get far more attractions).

Ah ok I wasn't sure where to post.

Hi I have some ~4-5 dollar legacy to trade for checklands (I'm trying to get into standard).  Please check out my lists!

Took a long break from the game, recently got back into it, and am now addicted to trading!  Take a look and shoot me a trade!