just trying to get a rise of the eldrazi ulamog for my from the vault legends ulamog.

it would depend on what cards from my inventory, but most likely yes.

trying to get 2 elspeth suns champion... willing to trade pretty much anything.


looking for 2 geists! and anything that is on my wishlist.


legions initiative x1
deadbridge chant x1
progenitor mymic x1
reap intellect x1
stomping ground x1
plus a bunch more DGM rares im putting on my tradelist tonight.

melek izzet paragon x1
lava spike x4
desperate ritual x4
snapcaster mage x2
glacial ray x4
izzet guildmage x3
goblin electromancer x3
nivmagus elemental x2
rakdos lord of riots x2
rakdos the defiler x2
wilt leaf liege x3
deathless angel x2
windborn muse x3
impervious perfect x4
plus whatever else is on my trade list.



(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I'm looking for 2 blightsteel colossus.
if anybody has any they would be willing to trade, take a look at my inventory and see if there is anything you



(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

ive got some cards i want to trade if anybody is interested

sacred foundry x2
sulfur falls x2
alchemist refuge x1
steam vents x2
stensia bloodhall x1
glacial fortress x2
desolate lighthouse x1
it that betrays x1
deathpact angel x2
vexing devil x2
hellrider x2
chromatic lantern x1
obzadat ghost council x1
sun titan x1
hellcarver demon x1
gideon champion of justice x1
tamiyo the moon sage x1

some cards that i've really been looking for are:
pariah x3
fog bank x3
karn liberated x2
blightsteel colussus x2
platinum emperion x2
master transmuter x3
and tinker x4

if your interested in any of these cards, offer me a trade for those cards i just mentioned, or any other cards on my wishlist