What are scans? I'm not going to photo copy them. Would a scan be beneficial to site any potential flaws our lack thereof?
2 2013-05-17 15:53:56
Topic: WTS (4 replies, posted in MTG California)
Hello All,
Recently found out that these cards were actually valuable. Ive had them forever and just thought they were cool looking. Just recently started playing again after stopping around (Planescape)? i think the symbol looked like a hurricane or portal thing.
Anyway. Posting to field interest on the Guru Lands i recently discovered. i had them in my decks. all my decks are sleeved, so i would consider them NM to SP.
So i have a Plains, Mountain and a Forest.
100 each or $250 for all 3.
PS: I can attach pics if you want.
Edit: http://imgur.com/a/lDPq7#0 Here is the album i made really quick. I tried to take as big of a picture of them as i could. You can click full size resolution in the top right corner i believe. Let me know if this helps or if there is another method i should try. These pictures were take with a Cannon Rebel T3i
3 2013-05-17 15:51:28
Topic: WTS: Guru Lands - P/M/F (1 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Hello All,
Recently found out that these cards were actually valuable. Ive had them forever and just thought they were cool looking. Just recently started playing again after stopping around (Planescape)? i think the symbol looked like a hurricane or portal thing.
Anyway. Posting to field interest on the Guru Lands i recently discovered. i had them in my decks. all my decks are sleeved, so i would consider them NM to SP.
So i have a Plains, Mountain and a Forest.
100 each or $250 for all 3.
PS: I can attach pics if you want.
Edit: Here is a link to some pics i took of the cards. Not sure how to scan them so i tried to tale as big of a picture of them as possible. Let me know if this helps http://imgur.com/a/lDPq7#0