(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Is it possible yet to sort on multiple columns? Say for example, sorting on Edition, and then color?


Edit: I guess its impossible to delete your own post. If anyone else comes across this, take a look at the very in depth search function.

Naviigator wrote:

you can change the settings for your old cards over there as well wink just don't forget to hit 'apply' afterwards

Oh thanks - I did not realize that. That makes it much easier.

Naviigator wrote:

the reason for limiting the amount of cards on one page is to lower server load.
Anytime you add a card, you get a small screen underneath the textbox containing all cards with the same name, their set and the 'special' part (EG foil).
Here you can easily edit these settings and hit apply.

I do think there should be a search option, or one should be able to select 'cards starting with X'

Anytime I add a card, I do the following: I type the name in the search bar, and then hit enter. Once I hit enter, 1 of those cards is added to my inventory. The settings below the search bar apply to the next card you enter with the same name, not the first card you just entered. Therefore, I always have to go find the card in my inventory and change its settings.

Is it possible to do this? I am trying to import my ~800 card inventory of MTG, and after ~20 cards, I am already on the second page. The problem with this is that once I type the card name in, hit enter, it almost always choses the wrong set/expansion, so I have to find the card in the list and manually edit it. If I change the default settings, then the majority of the cards I add do get the right settings initially, but some do not, and then if I have to change pages to find them I have to reset the default settings again.

Other than that, awesome website! It is very helpful/useful.