For starters, I haven't played this game since I was 9, and although its slowly coming back to me, I was never competitive enough to really ever build a deck. I've recently met some new people that are into MTG, and I'd like to participate in games with them. Nothing too serious, we'll work our way up to that.
That said, my local store had a good sale I couldn't pass up on a Intro Deck, so I went with GTC Boro's Battalion. Here is the standard deck unaltered:

I also picked up a booster battle pack, of which (I feel) these cards can be effectively applied to my pre-made:

So for starters, I'd like to make a decent R/W deck from what I've got there. I'm not too sure of what cards should be swapped out for better ones, and still keep decent mana curve balance. Obviously I'd like to get cards such as Aurelia into the deck, but not sure what to remove to keep it balanced.

Onto my next deck, the B/W. I want to build this because I pulled a Obzedat Ghost Council from one of the boosters, and I'd like to put the card to good use. Someone suggested I build a R/B/W deck, but I don't feel I have enough mana sources to sustain this yet. This is my partial build:

I'm assuming I'll have to lend some W cards from the Boro's deck, just not sure which exactly would work well together. Any input is appreciated.
Forgot to add, this is my complete card library incase there's anything I have and didn't include that someone might find useful for my needs: