(3 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

TyWooOneTime wrote:

Considering that you have lifelink via Vampire Nighthawk, it's almost always a plus to add card draw.  It increases consistency and can help get you out of a bind (nevermind the fact that you could always target the opponent if you're hard up to hit them for two).  For that reason, you should definitely keep Sign in Blood.

If anything would need to slide out, I would suggest Dark Favor.  It's a cheap pump and a good option to add some damage; however, it does open the door for you to get two-for-one'd.

Oh, some good suggestions, I will keep these in consideration when I find the time to improve this deck with this excellent communities help smile


(3 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)


I have a Blood Crypt but nothing on your trade list is worthy of it.... do you not have anything of value or interest.. if so contact me and I will trade for things that interest me.


(3 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I found this on the internet then I modified it to lower the price (to under $20), I am looking for some constructive criticism on the downfalls of this deck.

Thank you in advance for your advice smile

One card I am particularly suspicious of in this deck is sign in blood, I believe I should remove it though I am not sure, please advise me on this. neutral

I use a lot of exalted in this deck intentionally. cool


4 x Duty-Bound Dead
3 x Highborn Ghoul
4 x Knight of Infamy
4 x Servant of Nefarox
4 x Vampire Nighthawk
3 x Liliana's Shade
3 x Undying Evil
4 x Murder
2 x Sign in Blood sad
4 x Dark Favor
4 x Skeletal Grimace
3 x Cathedral of War cool
18 x Swamp