I think it's better to see what the prices are when I get back and ready to trade. Should be able to have a better look at what you have to offer and what I can do for you around the 5th of May.

Is that ok for you?

I'm going on vacation right now, but when I'm back I might be interested. Will be beginning of May though. If you haven't traded/sold them before that time yet I will get in contact with you

Just wanted to give an update:

http://deckbox.org/communities/european_traders has 6 European members now and more have shown interest. Next to this I will send in a forum request to the admins to improve the community.

@ grossoggodeckbox: I had a look at MOTL and I have to say that this site looks far better then that one.

Thanks, I'll definitly have a look there, but it seems some people are also interested in something similar, so hopefully we can work something out here aswell.

I've seen the word MOTL before, but which site is that exactly?

Hello all,

As a Dutch trader, active on this site for about 3 months I've noticed that this site is mainly based around American players who have very little reason to trade with their European counter-parts, since everything is available over there and it just adds additional risk and cost.

Next to that I haven't really found a European focussed group that are using English as their main langauge so I just started a new community called: European Traders, to increase trading activity in Europe.

Everyone based in Europe, next to Americans willing and able to trade in Europe can add themselves to this new community. If it works out and we have a couple members going I will also get a forum sorted. The more people we get in there the easier it should become to get trading going.

Please let me know if you're interested in joining and I'll make sure you get added as soon as possible.

Kind regards,



(17 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Hey cd122001,

I've just started a trade topic (few days too late as you already sold the Caverns sad), with quite a few cards. Looking forward to see if we can come to a nice price smile.


(17 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Hey CD,

I'm definitly interested in buying quiete a few of your cards, but I was wondering if you also ship to Europe (Netherlands to be precise) and if you have any experience with that, as I never did this so far.

Looking forward to your response.