(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Sorry, I don't mean monetary value. Honestly, $5/mo isn't actually that bad.

Is there a practical, utility value to premium for a casual player who's just a bit anal retentive about keeping track of their cards, or is it primarily valuable to people who play competitively and do a lot of online trading?
(I actually rather like pucatrade on the rare occasion I decide to do some trading)


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

There are a few features I might use if I had access to them, like deck tagging, marking decks built, and the Scratchpad. But they're not worth $4-5/mo. I'm not entirely sure what the actual value (in a utility sense, not monetary) is of being able to mark a deck Built or EDH, and for scratchpad, well, I seldom build sideboards, since I mostly play casual or draft, so if I need to attach a note to a deck of some cards I'm considering including, I can just put them in the sideboard.

Is the primary value of a Premium account for people that play at a competitive level and do a lot of buying/selling/trading?


(0 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Trying to sell some cards to get some extra cash for Fanime this weekend. The cards for sale are in a deck on my profile, "to sell." Deckbox doesn't give proper values for textless cards because there isn't a set, but the Mana Leaks are textless Player Rewards cards valued at $8 ea, the Coiling Oracle is dci promo, valued at $4, and the Basalt Monoliths are Unlimited, valed at $4 (for some reason it's showing the values for the wrong edition).

Total value is $166, if someone wants to buy the lot, I'll sell for $125.