Okay, looks like that's settled, then ... smile

Thanks, guys.
Would have been nice - but I guess CoS is mandatory enough as it is. :-/

How does an opposing Church of Sigmar interact with a Visit the Haunted City?

I pay for the effect of Visit the Haunted City with ressources from the card - Church of Sigmar forces me to pay an additional ressource. Shouldn't that come from VtHC as well?

And if not (I have a suspicion it won't, seen as CoS isn't treated as a viable counter to VtHC) - why not?

Tried searching for it, but could find no answer. Thanks for helping me out ...

Okay, thanks, that's what I thought it should be from a rule's point of view - but yeah, okay, that explains the banishment. smile

Sorry if this has been coverd before, but couldn't find anything on it.

If you have two or three mining tunnels in play - do you get to draw a card for each development placed, or do you have to choose which card to activate by the placement?

Seen as placing a development is not a cost, I should get to draw two (or three) cards, no?

Just insecure, because it seems immensely powerful ...

Thanks, Mutter