(5 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Mainly for fun which is why I'm currently not too fussed in its current Extended format form however having a few changes readily available to make it standard playable would be nice.

But I wouldn't mind entering the odd FNM.  I'm under no illusion that I'll be place, but winning the odd game (not even a match) would be all I'd be after in that regard.

I should mention that I have a few rules I'm trying to abide by.  I'm not buying singles, so what you see in my inventory (though it is fairly large I think) is what you get.  I would trade (probably with my LGS but I have to find out what the deal is trading commons and uncommons for anything of value).  All I buy is pretty much a fat pack when they get released and try to run with what I get.

Back to the deck..  It did have a bit more red, but I opened a few boosters that had a few cards that would help me make it more consistent so out they went.  There's still the splash in there for the Boros Charm and the Wear//Tear.

Below is my game plan of sorts:

*  Dutiful Thrulls out early as blockers so I can set up my extorters.
*  The sole Angelic wall is to block flyers (noted that being a 1 and only, the odds of my drawing it are slim to damn near nil)
*  Vampire Nighthawk, Boros Reckoner and Knight of Obligation to clog up the board mid game while I guess I sit and play cards and extort away
*  Obzedat Ghost Council can put my opponent on a clock, same with Stab Wound and One Thousand Lashes
*  Archangel of Thune to make bodies bigger while I extort (if I get lucky and draw it, yeah I know I'm relying on luck here)
*  Pacifism and Oblivion Ring as removal of sorts (considering Murder but the casting cost makes me think sideboard).
*  I figure that I'd only play Boros Charm and Wear//Tear mid to late game so I should have a gate available as a source of red mana by then.  The gates I hope don't stop me playing stuff early to set my shields up
*  My 1 Treasury Thrull is my sole out post board wipe (and probably not a very good one).  If a board wipe comes along and takes it with it, I might as well scoop then and there.  I opened a second one, and that goes into sideboard (or possibly for one of the red splashes).  I'm kinda hesitant to got main with it cos it takes the curve back higher.

Thanks for your help guys.

PS.  Sorry I wasn't clearer the first time around.  I kinda got my post out in a rush


(5 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Hi guy,

Can you guys take a look over this deck and give me some suggestions.  I would like to get it standard (since some cards have been rotated.  What would you guys suggest.

It's my first deck and I've just pooled a whole ton of stuff together.



Hi guys,

I don't really know what's the easiest way to do it, but I've loaded a card pool from a Dragon's Maze sealed Boros/Selesnya pack that I got today.  I was practicing my deck building skills.

What would you guys have done with this pool?

