(2 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Hey buddy, I'm in much need of a Taiga (what condition is yours in) I have a bunch of duels i could trade as well, Also have a Badlands which i saw in your wishlist and they are more or less same price, so how would you feel about a swap? or I have a few other things you can take a look at! I'm willing to trade from inventory and tradelist depending what's on the table! Let me know! ps i posted on your other thread just in case one was a dead one! hopefully we can work something out!


(2 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Hey buddy, I'm in much need of a Taiga (what condition is yours in) I have a bunch of duels i could trade as well, Also have a Badlands which i saw in your wishlist and they are more or less same price, so how would you feel about a swap? or I have a few other things you can take a look at! I'm willing to trade from inventory and tradelist depending what's on the table! Let me know!

Hey buddy, How lightly played are we talking for the Taiga?


(1 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Hey buddy, I'm very interested in a Taiga if you still have one for trade? I have a bunch of legacy/modern staples and a few of the cards you would need for Death and Taxes, let me know if we can work something out!

Hey buddy, I'm interested in a Taiga, is there anything else you're looking for trade wise? and just out of curiosity, what's the lowest you would sell a taiga for?