elpablo wrote:

These are actual fetch lands and used with the shocks in modern. http://www.ebay.com/bhp/zendikar-fetch-lands

I agree that i would probably play Terramorphic expanse over gates if I didn't have access to the other.  I do prefer the farseek with shocks though.  If money is an issue then this is probably the best option. Alternatively you can "fetch" gates with Maze's end.

Yeah, I know of the "better" fetchlands but they are a little to costly smile

You mean farseek as a replacement for fetchlands?

tav2smart4u wrote:

why not add one playset of a fetch

Sorry I don't understand hmm

I wouldn't pay tapping fetchlands like Terramorphic Expanse in a mono-colored because, just as you say, they slow you down and I don't think it outweighs the thinning

I think that if you run more than 2 colors, gates might increase in value, but for dual-colored I'm not sure. the fetchlands will hopefully help you gain an even spread of lands.

I'll have to swap out my gates for fetchlands and try and see smile

Hi, I'm doing some casual magic with some friends and I'm not in the mood (yet) to buy any chocklands so for now I'm using gates in my multicolored decks.

But something hit me, since the gates come in tapped anyway, isn't it better to run Terramorphic Expanse instead of a gate, since both effectively enters the play tapped. (Due to price I'm not talking about the fetchlands in which you have to pay 1 life, since they are really expensive)

The upside of the gate is that it can generate 2 different colors, but I'm not that sure that that is a problem since you'll always be able to fetch the land you need the most with the fetchland. And the fetchland has the additional benefit of also thinning your deck


(9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Nidhugg wrote:

I want to be able to open up a deck and have a row tell me what legality the card has.  I guess the best way of doing this is to have a way of specifying what legality you want on your deck and then check for that.

I'd like to second this, I'd love to be able to add "Legality" as a column and sort by it, mainly to use as a "Why aren't my deck legal in format x"
