(1 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I've been trying to make a deck around Followed Footsteps and want to make it as awesome as possible. I loved the idea of creating a token that copies a really strong non-legendary creature every turn. And more than one if I have a Paradox Haze or two out. So I've used creatures like Acidic Slime, Primeval Titan, Hamletback Goliath, Thragtusk, Iona, Hornet Queen, Grave Titan, Woodfall Primus, Broodmate Dragon, Ashen Rider, Armada Wurm, and Angel of Despair to try and maximize awesome entering-abilities. So I ask how would you build a perfect Followed Footsteps deck with strong creatures like this? I'm having trouble keeping it under 75 cards and having the land work out. So, any advice?


(2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Really just any of them. Casual play.


(2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

please and thank you. advice please.