Quite frankly, there are a lot of sites that I can use to trade cards. If this is how a "respected" member of the community conducts themselves then I really see no reason to continue to use it for that purpose.  I certainly appreciate the objective opinions given regarding this situation. I honestly see no reason for this person to have lost their mind about it.  I regret being somewhat snarky with my replies, but that is how I react when I feel like someone is trying to "game" me or to take advantage of me. And, let's be honest, that is exactly what you were attempting.  The fact that it was 'Only a $0.97 card' has no bearing on the matter whatsoever. 

I definitely agree with Sebi that it behooves all of us to be nice to people who are new to the community. Magic players are a subset of a subset of a subset of people and we can use all of the friends that we can get because, lord knows, the rest of the world sure doesn't understand.

That being said, Wally_H, you're going to do what you feel is right. Just stop acting like a jerk about it.