sacred foundry and blood crypt for jace? or look at my tradelist maybe you can find something, unfortunately i don't have your other wants.
1 2013-12-18 17:01:21
Re: Buy/Trade for GoST, Resto, Thundermaw H: Promo Nightveil, Paypal (9 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
2 2013-12-16 21:49:03
Re: Have some standard cards (Elspeths for trade) (16 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
interested in temple of triumphs, nykthos, anger of the gods, and foil elspeth.
i have 4 normal elspeths, so i would only do normal + value for foil
3 2013-10-14 14:31:54
Topic: W: Garruk M14 x 3-4 H: Jace Aot, thune, voice more (0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
looking for 3 or 4.