When is From the Vault: Annihilation likely to be added?


So, I love Sligh decks. Not knowing what will be in Khans, I am trying to make a deck to prepare. But I want your opinions.

Borderland Marauder - Is Altac Bloodseeker better in your opinion?

Stoke the Flames - is 4 to many? Am thinking maybe drop to 3 and add a Hammer of Purphorous or a Hall of Triumph.

Nightfirecat wrote:

The M15 clash pack has six new promos:

  • Prognostic Sphinx

  • Prophet of Kruphix

  • Temple of Mystery

  • Hydra Broodmaster

  • Fated Intervention

  • Font of Fertility

Was about to ask about this myself.

I, for one, cannot wait until you release it. Great work!


(3 replies, posted in Competitive Events)

Cheers smile


(3 replies, posted in Competitive Events)

Will these decks be uploaded to the site?