I'm looking to finish up my sets of Zen full arts before BFZ comes out. Right now I need:

246 (2 of)
247 (1 of)
249 (5 of)

234 (4 of)
235 (2 of)
236 (3 of)
237 (2 of)

242 (2 of)

230 (1 of)

I've got a few full art swamps, a forest, and a couple of mountains I'd be willing to trade back 1-for-1, or I'll trade anything on my tradelist for them at $0.80 apiece. Let me know if you're interested!

My tradelist isn't nearly robust enough to trade for foil Zens, haha.

Hey all - looking to pimp out my mana. I'll trade anything in my tradelist for foil basics (old frame only) or Zen lands.

I generally value Zen lands at $0.75 each and foil basics at $1.25 each but I'll consider any offer.

Please try to make trades for $5 worth of value at least, otherwise it's not really worth the postage.


OK, shoot me a trade whenever you're ready and we'll figure it out.

Hey all - I'm looking to pick up a bunch of foil lands in the old frame, so check out my tradelist and make me an offer!

I'm also glad to entertain offers for stuff on my wishlist, but there's never much in there - I would like to trade standard for standard as much as possible.