(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Awesome smile


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I use deckbox to maintain my entire card collection and keep track of all my decks. One thing I've noticed is I use my sideboard as a "maybeboard," or a way to keep track of cards that I might want to consider using in the deck. This prevents me from having an actual sideboard, and also throws off the value calculation for cards in the deck. It would be awesome if each deck had a third section for storing "maybe" cards.

Prefer the original Rise printing rather than from the vault foils. Let me know if interested!

No preference on regular ($17) or promo ($12), though I'd prefer to trade for multiple copies of one or the other at once.

Hello! I'm looking to trade my Mutavault for 3x All is Dust foil GP promos ($12 tcg med each). Let me know if you're interested. Thanks!