Ah, alright. Thanks. big_smile I got a Blood Bairn today in a booster pack and i think there's a Bloodflow Connoisseur in the deck already, but I may have a few more at home.

When i get back, i'll see what i have, as well as see if i can get some of the others i don't yet have.

Thanks again for the help and i'll be sure to update when i've made changes.

Hi guys.

I'm pretty new in regards to deck-building and have previously played with decks just out of the box or with ones I've thrown together without actually realizing there was strategy to be had in a good deck.

That being said, when i did come to that realization, with the help of a friend, i got started on making one around something that appealed to me, vampires. Built with help from that same friend, and tweaked after two games with my best friend, i now have the following deck: http://deckbox.org/sets/465152

I'd like some advice on ways to make it better and a little easier to play, mainly in casual play with me and my best friend.
