those are all great suggestions.

thoughtseize looks awesome.

force of will is legendary, and at some point
i'd like to grab a playset. or at least a couple...

what about a set of demonic tutors?

and time spiral? maybe against slow decks?

i also have a windfall even though it's banned in legacy.
it might be cool for casual. though, sometimes, i might get punched
square in the face for using it.

thanks again, this is great.

yeah i've got a playset of counterspells as well

what other cards are you thinking might be good, regardless of price?


daze looks great.

and it's relatively cheap money-wise. and mana-wise.

i'll likely pick up a play set and see how they do.

they'll at least be a great sideboard or "maybe"board option.

hi all,

i've built a u/b creature-less discard draw deck —

it's for casual play. it's legacy legal, but i'm open to vintage rules.

not trying to spend a lot, so no dual lands, moxen, or lotus.

the win condition is typically underworld dreams + howling mine + urza's guilt and / or wheel and deal

undermine and propaganda keep creatures at bay. i've sideboarded recoil in favor of undermine

teferi's puzzle box can create a win condition, and also mess with everyone.

lim-dul's vault might be an option, maybe a sideboard for card search.

maybe time spiral if i want to drop the $ for a play set and change my relatively low and stable mana curve.

and maybe lobotomy to ruin combos?

any and all feedback is appreciated.


awesome thanks.

that's a nice card.

one of my goals is to hit them with damage whenever
they draw so i think notion thief is more suitable
for a different deck construction.

i might start playing with a few lim-dûl's vault
and lobotomy as well. the lim-dûl's vault
gets me the cards i need, as does brainstorm,
and the lobotomy can ruin some of
their combos and/or creatures that pose a threat.

i'm also trying to figure out if anvil of bogardan
and/or iron maiden and/or the rack
make sense here?

and any other suggestions of great u/b/colorless
cards that would complement the deck would be
greatly appreciated.


it sure would.

i think it'll be cool to use windfall for
casual play, which is my main goal. and i already
own at least one.

thanks for the heads up though.

thanks ishboh.

all good stuff.

this is a bit odd, but i'm only sticking to cards
with the older look and feel. that might change,
but for now it's what i like.

i've got 4x recoil in my sideboard,
i think some more play testing will let me know
if i need some or all of them in my deck.

windfall is awesome but it's banned
in legacy. as is memory jar.

if the group i play with wants to play vintage rules
i'd definitely put those in my deck.

good call on evacuation, i'll pick some
of those up and see how they play. the only thing
i'm concerned with is it's relatively high mana cost
for this deck, which doesn't have anything over 4.

i just picked up some urza's guilt and
lim-dûl's vault so i'll see what happens
with those.

thanks again.

I'm looking for some advice on my deck called Army of None

This is a casual legacy deck for playing with friends.

Yep, it's creature-less.

The win condition is Wheel and Deal and Underworld Dreams.
Megrim will help, as will Hymn to Tourach.

Propaganda, Counterspell, and Breathstealer's Crypt to hold
opponents creatures at bay.

The deck is for casual fun times.

Certainly feel free to suggest any cards.
