thetdiddy wrote:

Looking for Phyrexian Obliterators and Kalonians Hydras. Take a look at my trade list. I'm looking move Domri Rades, Jace AoTs, Sarkhan Vols, Hero's Downfalls and others on my trade list

Aw, you didn't want to make an obliterator/domri deck? sad

Hey, you're the guy with the french Rakdos's Return! (I sent a proposal for my Erebos which you cancelled)

I'm not sure if you got my message, but I'm willing to send $6 paypal your way for the RR. I paid exactly that much for a chinese and a korean one, so let me know if that works out for you.

Hey man, I have 2x Thassa, God of the Sea.

Unfortunately I don't really need too much from you outside of your Steam Vents. Do you have any foreign or foil Rakdos's Return? I'm collecting those. Would you have more shocklands to trade that are in my wishlist (hallowed fountain, watery grave)? Let me know.

Hey everyone. Here is my deckbox:

I don't have too much outside of Theros goodies since I only brought a handful of my MTG stuff to college. Let me know if you're willing to Trade Rakdos's Return (foreign i.e. Russian OR any foil). If you really don't find anything in my deckbox, we can negotiate a paypal transaction instead and I'll send some cash your way.
