(0 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Hey guys,

So i've found myself in need of 3x Sphinx's revelation and 3x Supreme verdict. I'm also in the market for a Fated Retribution.

I've got plenty of stuff, and more than what is on my list. If you are looking for anything in specific, just ask.

I prefer bigger trades in which I'd be getting most / all of these cards.



(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)


Yeah, I can trade from my list, or see if I have anything you need on your list.


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Bump, still need everything here.


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

3 Ephara
2 D Sphere
3 Temple of UW

If you have these things, I want them! I've got plenty of things for trade, so hit me up!



(0 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Hey guys,

I need the following:

2 Ephara, god of the polis
3 Temple of enlightenment
2 detention sphere

I have many cards, and probably have something that you'd be interested in.

If you have any of these, hit me up!


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)



(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Hey guys!

I'm looking for a few cards, and if you have them for trade you should definitely look through my list.

3 Voice of resurgence
4 Temple Garden
2 Temple of plenty
1 Trostani
1 Advent of the wurm



(1 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Hey guys!

So I've been gone for a while, but I'm going to try to get active on here again.

Anyway, I'm trying out a new build that is based on the archetype's modern equivalent; Standard Death & Taxes.

It pretty much plays White  Weenie into Orzhov midrange, using the hate-cards that standard has to offer.

Extortion is actually a pretty big part of this deck, and it's been working out really well in testing.

I would like some second opinions on the deck though. Do you think there's something that I could add in that would make it smoother overall? Should I change some numbers around?

Thanks for any help here.



(7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

You hadn't started a trade, and I didn't even look on here after posting... Sorry 'bout that.

No, i've already got 4 blood baron locked down. Just need 2 stormbreaths and 3 temples now.


(7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Bump, still looking for Stormbreath Dragon X2!

Glen Elendra - Not great condition
Bloodhill bastion - LP
Gavony - LP
Norn's dominion - NM
Quicksilver sea - NM
Morphic tide - NM
Interplanar tunnel - NM
Kharasha foothills - NM
Takenuma - NM
The Zephyr maze - LP

These are the planechase cards that I have if you'd be interested.


(7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Just updated. I cleared out my inventory without realising that it erased my tradelist as well...


(7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Hey guys.

I'm looking to acquire a few cards for a RWB Control deck that i'm putting together, and i'm wondering if you guys could help me out.

Things I need:

Blood Baron
Stormbreath Dragon
Asemble the legion
fiendslayer paladin
temple of malice
blood crypt

If you've got any of these cards, feel free to hit me up for a trade.

Here's my current inventory. If you're looking for any non-rare cards from BNG, or any standard set, just ask.



(0 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Hey guys.

I'm looking to acquire a few cards for a RWB Control deck that i'm putting together, and i'm wondering if you guys could help me out.

Things I need:

Blood Baron
Stormbreath Dragon
Asemble the legion
fiendslayer paladin
temple of malice

If you've got any of these cards, feel free to hit me up for a trade.

Here's my current inventory. If you're looking for any non-rare cards from BNG, or any standard set, just ask.



(0 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I'm looking for 3 copies of Geralf's Messenger. I don't yet have a trade list up, but if you've got these, if you could make me aware of it, We can talk about what I can do to get them from you.



(3 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Read my profile, I buy anything. Just looking for playable cards.

I'll be adding my buylist once I have it completed.


(3 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Hey guys!

I've just opened up a store on TCGPlayer, and am looking to stock up on some inventory!

If you've got some cards that you would much rather have in the form of cash, then hit me up. Check my profile first before all else.

I'm looking for standard and modern playables, regardless of rarity, and also buy bulk.

Thanks for checking it out!

This may just be me, but I would swap out the Putrefy for a 3rd Abrupt Decay.

Right now, aside from Bident and Whip, Abrupt Decay hits every artifact that you should see, and the 1 mana saved could be worth it. Though if you're really concerned about these 2 weapons, go ahead and keep it.

Also, Why no Loxodon smiter?


(8 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I believe that the cards are printed in layers, with the borders going on first, then art, then text. That's pretty much the order of rarity in printing errors that i've seen.

That's also the effect that happens when there's too much ink on a stamp, though I'm fairly certain that stamp printing ended quite a while ago...


(8 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Yep, that's just a printing error. I have a godless shrine (GTC) with the same issue.

Ever smack a printer while it's working? I'm pretty sure that's what happened. I see it on a lot of cards through my time playing. You don't really notice it until you go to sleeve it though.


(1 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Hey guys

So I recently acquired a playset of Spellstutter sprite, and i'm not quite sure what to do with it. I currently have 2 decks that It could potentially go in, but I'm torn between the two.

The first is a UWR Delver deck for modern [http://deckbox.org/sets/540433], and the second is a UW Cawblade deck for Pauper [http://deckbox.org/sets/564951].

I'm leaning more toward the Cawblade deck, but I've also seen a lot of people play them in Delver decks. I'm looking for opinions on which would be the better choice. Thanks!


(15 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Moving back to standard, Seeing as i'm currently playing Maze's End (My FNM motto is "I make bad choices"), She'll be absolutely perfect for me.

As for her usefulness for people who make good choices, I just don't think its there as long as RtR is in standard. RtR provides a very fast environment (see MonoU), and kiora just isn't built for it. I still believe that wotc is trying to slow down the format, and once rotation happens, I believe that they will have succeeded. Once that happens, these 'terrible' walkers will see more of a chance to shine.


(3 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

So while browsing Gatherer today, I ran across a keyword that I hadn't heard from in a while; Metalcraft.

Seeing as how we're currently in a state of devotion based everything (at least in Standard. I now that Modern has been experimenting with it as well), I thought that going back to this 'devotion to artifacts' style mechanic would be a fun little challenge.

So right now, I'm in the midst of building a Modern Metalcraft deck. So far it's just white, and that would be for Ardent Recruit, Puresteel paladin, Dispatch, and Squadron Hawk (I've always been a fan of suiting up the hawks with some equipment and flying over everyone.

I'd like to know a couple of things to help me out with this little experiment:

-Has there ever been a competitive metalcraft deck? I started playing in Dark Ascension, and totally missed the boat on any scars block shenanigans.

-Is white the correct color to go with here? I thought of splashing red for galvanic blast, as well as bolt and helix, but i'm unsure on that front.

-What are some of the better artifacts in Modern that I could be taking advantage of? I've only started looking for things for this project, so obviously if there's something out of like, 10th that i'm missing, I won't find it for a while on my own.

Thanks for any help here!


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)


When you go to your inventory, up in the top right is a box that says 'Tools', and within that is a drop down menu that has an option for 'Mark all for trade'.


(4 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Thanks Isaac, that'd be awesome if you find any.

Gumgod, Unfortunately I wasn't around for RoE. I joined up around M12, Innistrad block, so most of my lands are going to be from that era and forward. That is a really sweet art though.