(0 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

i've got forest like this
and is not in the base please add the Duels Of The Planewalkers


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

preypacer wrote:

Tribal Flames is present for Invasion, Time Spiral, and one of the Duel Decks. See the card's page at http://deckbox.org/mtg/Tribal%20Flames . I'm guessing you might be trying to set the edition when you're adding cards, which is broken for Time Spiral Timeshifted cards, http://deckbox.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=747 . In any event, you can add it and then set the older-than-Time-Spiral edition afterwards as a workaround.

thanks for the tips! already added card to inventory! big_smile


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

you have only Tribal Flames from Time Spiral so you need to add Invasion!


(150 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

great site, but got a question/request, could you include Token cards in Magic The Gathering? it would be really great smile