(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)



(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)


started a trade


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

gandalfthewizard wrote:

I have a foil Tarmogoyf (MM15) and some other foil Jund cards, would you be interested in that?

I think I'm going to be holding off on goyfs for now.  Ideally I'd like mm1 goyfs (I dislike the stamp) and they're so expensive I'll probably save them for last.  But feel free to let me know what other foil jund cards you may have.

g3rman1a wrote:

Do you happen to have non-foil versions of the cards you are looking for to trade back?

I should have non foil versions of everything with a few exceptions, they just probably aren't in my inventory or tradelist.  For instance I want foil shards maelstrom pulses but the ones I have are MM instead.


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Trying to foil out jund.  I have a noble hierarch playmat from gp char 2015, a sealed 2016 SDCC set, most of the nahiri deck(likely holding onto snaps/tarns), and tons of modern staples/foils.

May be interested depending on if I can swap my other 2 first (currently have 3 mm15 1 mm).  I'll let you know.

Trying to pick up some cards for jund.

Also looking to edition swap(can add), ideally at least 2 at a time:
My mm2 goyfs for mm1 goyfs
my mm2 cryptics for lorwyn cryptics

edit:may have found lilianas so bloodstained mire, stomping ground, and godless shrine expeditions are pending.

perfectchaos007 wrote:

I suspected this might be the case - he once opened a trade with me worth several hundred dollars, but canceled it in favor of trades with people with 0-2 feedback.  I also found it suspicious that he added cards to his wishlist that were specifically on my tradelist as he was building the trade.  He stopped communicating with me, and I didn't realize how many trades he had opened up.

To be fair, I've always found it much easier to trade with people who have lower feedback.  They seem to communicate better and I just overall have a more pleasant time trading with them.  I've seen so many high feedback users read a message in a trade and never respond.


Looking to try and build eternal command so trying to pick up some things.  Also looking to edition swap some MM2015 cryptics to lorwyn or mm1 cryptics.  Also interested in 8-12 clear dragon shields for some flips cards if anyone has any.

ParanoidSarge wrote:

What are you pricing them at? I think I'd be interested

Probably around $25-26 each.

Have two goblin guides that have some edge wear and some dents/nicks but look alright in sleeves.

Here is an album: http://imgur.com/a/quexY

Feel free to open up a trade to work something out.