"Goblin Trenches" and "Prophetic Bolt" were added to the Mystery Booster set with the 2021 convention boxes, but this is not reflected on Deckbox yet: Might be an idea to simply add them to the end of the list for the main Mystery Booster set?
1 2022-01-19 19:52:26
Re: Missing printings, card numbers, editions for specific cards (833 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
2 2020-12-01 09:20:05
Topic: How to search for multiple terms? (1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Say that i want to search for every card that has 'legendary' and 'angel' in the typeline, how do i do that? I can't seem to search without having to enter the full type, but not all legendary angels have the same exact type line.
Same for rules text. Say i want to search for all cards that give lifelink and/or trample to other creatures, how do i enter that into the search field?
3 2014-07-18 18:45:44
Topic: Page navigation in spoiler view (0 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Hey there,
the page navigation at the bottom of spoiler view is missing.
It's always quite annoying to scroll all way up again just to go to the next page.
Is it possible to add the page navigation to spoiler view too like it is already in the listing view?
bb Lia
4 2014-07-17 09:27:02
Re: Basic Lands not modern enough (8 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Yush, green light for that, everything is working as it should now
5 2014-07-17 09:18:18
Re: Basic Lands not modern enough (8 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
If i understand that right, adding a basic land to the two correct labeled but incomplete decks will still show the right label now?
That's not the case for me.
Added a Swamp and a Mountain to both of the test decks above:
https://deckbox.org/sets/732680 - modern label vanished
https://deckbox.org/sets/732708 - standard label vanished
Edit: by the way.. is there any easy way to clone a deck?
6 2014-07-17 09:03:59
Re: Basic Lands not modern enough (8 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Standards don't work for me either.
A standard deck with basic lands and no standard label:
Same deck without basic lands and with standard label:
7 2014-07-17 08:40:32
Re: Basic Lands not modern enough (8 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Hmm.. nopes, that's not it.
Here's the deck without land and it contains several M15 cards and it is labeled as modern:
Only as soon as I add the lands the modern label vanishes.
Edit: And the issue is only with basic lands. Non-basic lands work fine as you can see in the incomplete deck above.
8 2014-07-17 08:25:09
Topic: Basic Lands not modern enough (8 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Hello there,
I'm trying to build a modern deck but it seems deckbox has a small bug in showing the right format of the deck.
This deck is shown as complete, but isn't labeled as modern anymore as soon as i add some basic land cards:
it also doesn't show up in deck database when i filter for modern and search for the name of the deck.
bb Lia