Looking for shocklands
The preference priority for me would be up to 4 of each   

Temple garden, overgrown tomb, stomping ground,blood crypt, hallowed fountain, watery grave, sacred foundry and the rest.

Have 4x Hero's downfall, 2 X Ashiok Nightmare weaver, Courser of Kruphix and my 900+tradelist. Thanks for looking.



Hey everyone, So I wanted to get a frost titan alt art promo card. The one that came with DOTP.  The artist was in town doing a con and I thought this would make a great Xmas gift for a friend who's a fan.  Additionally looking for 2 x Raksha Golden Cub and 4 x Kemba Kha Regent for another friend's gift.  Can anyone help me out with a timely trade? Of course none of our local LGS have em.  Here's my tradelist.
