Bump. Would like at least 1 more before next satuday!

Bump. Upped the trade items and added Force of Will to interests.



I am looking for 2-3 Jace, Vryn's Prodigy. I have my trade-list mostly up to date.
I have one promo and one regular so either type is okay with me.
Force of wills would start me moving into legacy but not a priority.
2 Bloodstained mire
Sensei's Divining Top
Breeding pool
Elesh Norn
Kytheon, Hero of Akroas
Exquisite Firecraft
Abbot of Keral Keep
Whisperwood Elemental

Looking for 2 Hangarback walker. I have a bunch on my tradelist. Open a trade and see what we can work out. I would like them by saturday!


Looking for a playset of Abbot of Keral keep. Preferably foil.
Check my tradelist for items not mentioned.

Any interest in foil karn for a liliana yet? :-)

Looking to finish my playset of LotV. If you see somethig interesting let me know.

Bump. Need a twilight Mire as well.

Bump. Looking for one still.


rwrzr wrote:

Might have a bob for you.

Okay started up a trade.

Bump. Looking for any edition Dark Confidant.

Bump! Got damnations looking for some Bobs.


Hey I'm looking to finish some modern decks. I need:
3 Dark Confidant (any edition)
1 or 2 Fulminator Mage's
2 Twilight Mire
3 Marsh Flats
1 Verdant Catacombs
and a bunch of other things on my lists as secondary pickups

Check my Trade-list for things you're interested in. I dont have everything i own posted so if youre looking for something dont feel afraid to open a trade and ask!
2 Foil Karn Liberated mm15
1 regular Karn Liberated mm15
Foil Fulminator Mage
Blood Moon
Umezawa's Jitte
Japanese Voice of Resurgence (Valued around 40, not firm on price)
Daybreak Coronet
Splinter Twin
Hurkyl's recall

F* means foil.



I'm looking for 2 goyfs. I have a bunch of items for trade even some I haven't had time to add to my tradelist. Set up a trade and let's work something out.
*F- means foil


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Any interest in a pack foil version? I have one I'm looking to trade away.

Vincentarasin wrote:

I will have multiples available.

What are you valuing them at?

I know the Noble Hierarch GP mat hasn't come out yet. But I'm really interested in thus mat. If someone can get their hands on one for trade or able to sell it let me know.

highcameron wrote:

I have 2 of them. I'd probably need to trade from your inventory - if that is an option, let me know. Thanks

Depends on what it is in ther but sure.