Tarmogoyf would be really nice here, but seeing that he is absent, maybe they aren't available.  Putrid Leech is a decent cheap creature that can be had for five or ten cents.  In the early game, he can actually kill Goyfs.  I think that Think Twice is a pretty slow card for Modern, so that could be the swap.  I also like Mana Leak a lot more than Remand in non-combo decks.  You're not digging for a combo piece, and it really sucks to Remand a 1 or 2 drop just to see it cast again that same turn.  Fill up Mana Leaks, cut Remands, include 2 Vapor Snag/2 Serum Visions depending on what you have/what you like.  Deck certainly looks cool though big_smile


(3 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Foil Deathrites will climb in value over the long term, its doubtful that rotating out of standard will even effect its value at all.  It will see play for many years, and it is extremely unlikely that another 1-mana creature comes along in those colors that will out-class it.  If you hold onto it, you probably will not regret it.

As far as a 1 for 1 trade?  I don't think I could recommend anything in Standard.  Maybe try to get a Dark Confidant for it if you play Modern.