This Tournament will be an official European Championship.

Dark days are coming … Most ordinary people, leading dull, gray life, unaware of the mysteries of this world do not even notice signs in Heaven and Earth. But trust me. They're coming…

And don't think this story will end the same way as all those announced in a mystical voice like when you're sitting in a dark movie theater. This time, it's not deafening dolby surround that makes shivers on your body. This time, it's not a coca cola, bought with a ticket discount, which will satisfy your desire.

The Calling that each of us can hear, invite for yet another expedition, for the next sword drawing, spell incantation or using our own brilliance to send the Snotlings as a war meat … The Calling, that shows you an ancient city. City of scoffers and rulers. Citadel of arbiters and martyrs. Fortress of bards and conquerors … Countless legends of riches, torn from a dragons (and somehow from the Dwarfs), attracts adventurers for years, but only a few of them, going through the maze of traps, defeating the powerful guards and traffic jams in the city center - are able to reach out and meet the challenge!

Among these legends, there is one song; mentioning a woman, a brave warrior, who lead band of renegade dwarves who managed to put their banner on the top of the tower. It is also about a very young man, who, not so long ago, crept into the city, like the morning mist after the cold night and became the ruler helped with his devilish intrigues and Dark Elves …

Those legends, and empty places in Hall of Fame awaits the next challenger, who will not be afraid to take a trip and be a part of this famous struggle for the Old World!

Dark days are coming … Twin Tailed Comet fell somewhere in the areas of Kislev … It is a sign of a Cataclysm coming. Launch an assault for the last time, because who knows what awaits us next? Who can predict the fate of the world?

So do not hesitate!

Assault on Wroclaw calls!

Get ready for the war, because the time will come soon …

I am pleased and honored to invite you to the next installment of the tournament, which has become a legend on Warhammer Invasion stage. Assault on Wroclaw 2013, this time, in the circumstances of this flourishing Invasion, as well as major changes in the coming time. As usual, it will be the Regional tournament, on the basis of Polish ranking system. I hope that such a turnout, level, and satisfaction - will beat all previous editions.

We are expecting about 70-90 players, so go on. Be a part of this great event!

Tournament Status: Regional Tournament

(I'm waiting for a FFG reply on the European Championship)

Date:  27-28 / 04 / 2013


Castle Cultural Centre

pl. John's 1

54-076 Wroclaw

(You can view photos, play rooms, underground)


- Assault on Wroclaw Trophy 2013 (for the winner)

- Unique Assault on Wroclaw Capital Boards for each player

- More than 20 board and card games for the prizes.

- Regional Champion Trophy 2013

- World Championship Weekend ticket

- 2 Regionals 2013 stoneware mugs

- 8 Full-color Warhammer: Invasion The Card Game playmats

- 16 sets of 6 double-sided Capital Regionals exclusive cards (96 cards total)

- 1 "prize Ruins" - Playmat or deck box from the FFG archives for the last-place player

Main Event Rules:

- Current Tournament Rules

- Updated FAQ

- Standard 1v1

- Swiss 6 rounds + top 16

- Allowed to play cards from each battlepack/expansion, that is on sale at the date of tournament.

- Decklist necessary

- Any  language cards (if it is a different version than the PL or ENG, please, bring sheet with ENG translation)

Additional events:

- Multiplayer (rules to be posted on forum thread below)

Buy-in (for a main tournament and any side event):

PRE-PAY: 45PLN (12€O)


Payment data:

Michal Miszczuk
Laciarska 5/1
50-104 Wroclaw
PL71 2490 1044 0000 4200 6749 3389
Tittle: AoW, your name and surname.

(Please confirm payment on my email below)

Accommodation / Hotel / Catering

- Accommodation - for the first 50 people with a deposit, it is possible accommodation on site, at the Castle, with an own foam pad, sleeping bag, on the floor in shared place - 5PLN (1,5€O) for your trouble.

- In the area there are lot of hostels/hotels where u can accomodate for about 13-20 €O

Here are some links: … ndex.shtml

If u will email me, we will help u with an acomodation at 100% rate.

- Food,: There is a kebab/pizza/traditional meal, near the Castle, for about 3-5 €O for a dinner.